Impact of Option Strict in Conversions (.NET)
Option Strict
restricts implicit data type conversions to only widening conversions.
Widening conversions explicitly do not permit any data type conversions
in which data loss may occur and any conversion between numeric types
and strings. For more information about widening conversions, see the Widening Conversions section.
When you use the Option Strict statement, the statement must appear before any other code. In Visual Basic .NET, you can typically convert any data type to any other data type implicitly. Data loss can occur when the value of one data type is converted to a data type with less precision or with a smaller capacity. However, you receive a run-time error message if data will be lost in such a conversion. Option Strict notifies you of these types of conversions at compile time so that you can avoid them.
Option Strict also generates an error message in the following scenarios:
When you use the Option Strict statement, the statement must appear before any other code. In Visual Basic .NET, you can typically convert any data type to any other data type implicitly. Data loss can occur when the value of one data type is converted to a data type with less precision or with a smaller capacity. However, you receive a run-time error message if data will be lost in such a conversion. Option Strict notifies you of these types of conversions at compile time so that you can avoid them.
Option Strict also generates an error message in the following scenarios:
- For any undeclared variable. This is because Option Strict also implies Option Explicit. (Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an 'As' clause - Error ID: BC30209 )
To correct this error
1. Check to see if the As keyword is misspelled.
2. Supply an As clause for the declared variable, or turn Option Strict Off.
- Late binding.
will get the following error, if you attempt to execute the code below
“Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to
Sub Convert_Double_To_int()
Dim DoubleVar As Double
Dim IntVar As Integer
DoubleVar = 123.456
IntVar = 2 + DoubleVar
End Sub
important consideration with a type conversion is whether the result of
the conversion is within the range of the destination data type. A widening conversion changes a value to a data type that can accommodate any possible value of the original data. A narrowing conversion
changes a value to a data type that might not be able to hold some of
the possible values. The above conversion is an example of narrowing conversion
The following table lists the standard widening conversions.
Data Type
Widens to Data Types
Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Short, Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Integer, Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Long, Decimal, Single, Double
Decimal, Single, Double
Single, Double
Any enumerated type
Its underlying integer type and any type to which it will widen
Char, String
Any type
Object, any interface that it implements
Any derived type
Any base type from which it is derived
Any data type or object type
The following conversions may lose precision:
- Integer to Single
- Long to Single or Double
- Decimal to Single or Double
However, these conversions do not lose information or magnitude.
Widening conversions always succeed, and you can always perform widening conversions implicitly.
Widening conversions always succeed, and you can always perform widening conversions implicitly.
explicit conversion uses a type conversion keyword. Visual Basic .NET
or Visual Basic 2005 provides several such keywords, which coerce an
expression in parentheses to the data type that you want. These keywords
behave as functions, but the compiler generates the code inline.
Therefore, execution is a little faster with explicit conversion than
with a function call.
The following table lists the available conversion keywords.
The following table lists the available conversion keywords.
Type Conversion Keyword
Converts Expression
to Data Type |
Permitted Data Types of Expression to Be Converted
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), String, Object
Any numeric type, any enumerated type, Boolean, String, Object
String, Object
String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any type
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte and enumerated types), Boolean, String, Object
Any numeric type (including Byte), Boolean, Char, Char array, Date, Object
Type specified following the comma (,)
you convert to an elementary type (including an array of an
elementary type), the same types as are permitted for the
corresponding conversion keyword.
When you convert to a composite type, the interfaces it implements and the classes from which it inherits. |
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